Summer 2021 – Art

Limelight Despy’s collage primarily depicts an alluring Marilyn Monroe, with her signature blonde curls, grasping a white sheet while covering her chest. Reminiscent of the famous Douglas Kirkland photoshoot in 1961, the image is both sensual and yet vulnerable. A decadent chandelier hangs in the background and a cut open lime is positioned just above… Continue reading Summer 2021 – Art

Summer 2021 – Poetry

Heartsong Oh, you’ve done it now, you chancer;You’ve burrowed all the way downAnd set up shop in my warm and sticky centre. Your filthy crackling laughRattles my bones awake each morning,And your honey-thick hum soothes them to sleep each heavy evening. Sinéad Mooney We published many memorable poems in our last issue, so it was… Continue reading Summer 2021 – Poetry