Researching and Writing Greek Mythology

My strongest memory from my time as a Classics student is of writing an essay on the various representations of a minor goddess in Ancient Greek vase paintings. I poured over all sorts of resources, studied images, essays, and even read an entire (albeit, rather short) book on the goddess herself. All for one five-page… Continue reading Researching and Writing Greek Mythology

Tackling Surrealism

A fantastic way to be more adventurous in your writing is to try your hand at radical literary and artistic movements by following their principles and engaging in decades of creative conversation. Surrealism is a movement which has remained fresh and ever-evolving, and has always been politically and culturally subversive. A great example of its… Continue reading Tackling Surrealism

Writing Routes

The literary arts is a very broad field which this post will attempt to navigate. This is designed to encourage you to experiment with different forms and submit work to our magazine that does not fall into the more common categories of the short story and the poem, although we love receiving these too! Poetry… Continue reading Writing Routes

Halloween and Valentine’s combo

Writing for a particular occasion is always fun and provides a useful cultural touchpoint to get your imagination flowing. In this post, I will suggest a number of activities which groups can do near to Halloween and Valentine’s day. First we will look at the genre of horror which is apt for Halloween-inspired writing. Thinking… Continue reading Halloween and Valentine’s combo

Convictions and intoxications

This post will be a fun resource combining the themes of politics and intoxication in relation to writing and artwork. First we will begin with politics… Some opening thoughts A commitment to politics requires a strong dedication to the use of words to craft engaging and informed arguments. Creative writing is a great place to… Continue reading Convictions and intoxications

Spaces and Places

Read on if you are interested in activities relating to the construction of settings in fiction works or the production of travel writing as a nonfiction genre. The setting of any piece of fiction is extremely important and will make a huge difference to the type of work you end up writing. To practice the… Continue reading Spaces and Places

Mind and Voice: Writing Experiments

The mind and the voice are important aspects to consider when creating literary characters. Read on for discussion resources in relation to this. Many writers have attempted to explore the workings of the human mind through language. You might want to think about how the mind is commonly associated with reason whilst the heart is… Continue reading Mind and Voice: Writing Experiments