Linda Arrighi (She/Her)
Former Nonfiction Editor, Art Editor and Co-founder
October 2020 – December 2024
Linda Arrighi is a writer and book reviewer originally from Parma, Italy, but currently living in the UK. Linda writes introspective, relatable and vulnerable prose and poetry, which deal with her feelings and thoughts, as well as reflections about the inner workings of the human brain and the pressures of society. She has self-published poetry chapbook Hitting The Return Key in 2019. She also has a WordPress blog and Instagram account, @readingunderpalmtrees, on which she displays book reviews.
Having participated in multiple creative writing courses, she became a member of the Durham University Creative Writing Society in 2018-19, during which she collaborated on the anthology The End of a Conversation. In 2019, she was a finalist in the nonfiction section of the Wicked Young Writers Award with an essay about the neuroscience of human nature.
Her current creative projects include writing nonficion and making digital illustrations, which she sells on RedBubble @lindarrighi. Linda particularly enjoys reading literary fiction, magical realism and fantasy, as well as collections of personal essays. Her favourite works include dark themes and emphasize the psychology of their characters.
These are some of Linda’s favourite authors: Leigh Bardugo, Susanna Clarke, Mariana Enriquez, Haruki Murakami, Eliza Clark, and Donna Tartt for dark and unsettling fiction. Joan Didion, Claire Keegan, Ann Patchett, Sylvia Plath, Sally Rooney, and J. D. Salinger for unshakeable literary prose and poetry.