Influenced and Inspired

Originality is a weighty term that is often overstated as the hallmark of a great artist. However, everyone is influenced and inspired by their predecessors. In fact, learning from those who have gone before you is an essential part of any artistic process. The trick of innovation is not just conjuring something up out of… Continue reading Influenced and Inspired

Spring 2021 – Nonfiction

Red ‘She drove my little brother to hockey practice, taste-tested when my older brother tried recipes from the towering bookcase of international cookbooks she’d bought him. She continued working her shitty job, played Solitaire on the computer, whipped out her little red wallet to cover extortionate dinner checks before any of us could see her… Continue reading Spring 2021 – Nonfiction

Spring 2021 – Art

A Shadow Of My Former Self Anne Moore We have had the pleasure of communicating with Anne about her inspirations and intentions behind this fantastic photograph artwork, ‘A Shadow Of My Former Self’. Anne is currently studying for a Masters in Film Theory at Exeter University. Perhaps her study of motion pictures has inspired her… Continue reading Spring 2021 – Art

A Guide to Galleries

If you are an artist, you will want to look at successful works that have achieved widespread acclaim. This will inspire you and assist you with your technique. Even if you’re not an artist, it’s still fun to visit galleries and appreciate the beautiful diversity of artworks on display around the world. This guide will… Continue reading A Guide to Galleries

Mind and Voice: Writing Experiments

The mind and the voice are important aspects to consider when creating literary characters. Read on for discussion resources in relation to this. Many writers have attempted to explore the workings of the human mind through language. You might want to think about how the mind is commonly associated with reason whilst the heart is… Continue reading Mind and Voice: Writing Experiments

An Interdisciplinary Approach to Writing

There is a long-standing cultural study of and interest in the cross-over between visual arts, music and literature. Critics have written a lot about how these forms can complement and inspire each other, and artists have often sought an interdisciplinary approach in order to expand the horizons of their particular form. If you are interested… Continue reading An Interdisciplinary Approach to Writing

Write Every Day

You may have seen that we have already posted tips about making art your hobby; now we’ve created the following post for writers looking for some guidance for their craft. This is suitable for creators of poetry, fiction and nonfiction, and should be useful for amateur and experienced writers alike. Location Whether you wish to… Continue reading Write Every Day

Writing Walks

This post should inspire you to think creatively in relation to the following prompt and is especially targeted at short story and flash fiction writers. Write or draw something about a winter walk. I’m not talking about an ordinary walk, but one where something absurd happens and your protagonist has to step up and make… Continue reading Writing Walks

Artistic Avenues

The visual arts is a very broad field which this post will attempt to navigate. This is designed to encourage you to experiment with different mediums and submit work to our magazine that does not fall into the most obvious forms of painting and photography, although we love receiving these too! Painting If you’ve ever… Continue reading Artistic Avenues

Reflections and Resolutions

This post will offer some guidance to help you respond to the following Spellbinder Instagram prompt, and will be especially useful for nonfiction writers and photographers. Write or draw something about the month of January. What does this month mean to you? Now that it is over, do you feel relief or pressure? Take this… Continue reading Reflections and Resolutions