People in Plots

Let’s begin by thinking about character… Warm up: Think about what constitutes effective character creation. Are these characters relatable? Are they consistent? Do they have recognisable qualities? Think about your favourite fictional character and consider why you like them so much. Think about the importance of names within fiction and how you might go about… Continue reading People in Plots

Summer 2021 – Drama

‘I want to tell you about something that happened to me. It’s about the ocean. And about fear.’ – The Whales by Christopher Woods. We have been thrilled to launch our new Drama section in this Summer 2021 edition of Spellbinder. Each of our published pieces has its own unique energy with strong characters, style… Continue reading Summer 2021 – Drama

Summer 2021 – Nonfiction

Hamantaschen ‘Like today, last Hanukkah was another of my faltering attempts to mark a holiday we’d never celebrated as children, with gaps in space and memory filled in using the internet. I learned to pronounce the prayers from a YouTube video, and met up with my sister over Zoom each night to light a menorah… Continue reading Summer 2021 – Nonfiction

Spaces and Places

Read on if you are interested in activities relating to the construction of settings in fiction works or the production of travel writing as a nonfiction genre. The setting of any piece of fiction is extremely important and will make a huge difference to the type of work you end up writing. To practice the… Continue reading Spaces and Places

Slipping into strangeness

This post should inspire you to think creatively in relation to the following prompt and is especially targeted at fiction writers. Write a surrealist poem or flash fiction piece. To do this, you can first write your piece as you would normally do. Then, you can play with it by swapping words or part of… Continue reading Slipping into strangeness

Dramatic Characters

This post should inspire you to think creatively in relation to the following prompt and is especially targeted at stage and screen script writers. Write a detailed bio for two opposing characters. Make sure you clearly know what they want and need! Once you have done this, try placing your characters in an everyday situation.… Continue reading Dramatic Characters

Springtime Thoughts

This post should inspire you to think creatively in relation to the following prompt and is especially targeted at creative nonfiction writers. Write or draw about something that makes your heart soar this spring. Are you planning a road trip? Do you finish university soon? What excites you about the near future? Suggestions for Nonfiction… Continue reading Springtime Thoughts

Spring 2021 – Fiction

Ham and Asparagus, and Stamps ‘When we finally made it to the green, we found the pond hadn’t quite frozen through, only we didn’t know that until we stepped in and got boots full of slush. I said we should go home and make some popcorn, but Eva was bent on having a good time.… Continue reading Spring 2021 – Fiction

Spring 2021 – Poetry

Doll Strings I pulled her out of my headand snapped the doll strings, one by one. Her intestines slap-stung my knuckles like spiteful elasticand I pulled and pulled them,trying to hurt her back. Then I tried to send her away,but the doll strings coiled upand tightened around my neck. She was out of my headbut… Continue reading Spring 2021 – Poetry

Spellbinder and ENIGMA in collaboration: Tips from the Editors

This is a very special blog post to celebrate the collaboration of Spellbinder magazine with Exeter University’s creative writing society and their literary journal, ENIGMA. Spellbinder has been fortunate enough to receive a number of submissions from the talented student community in Exeter, a number of which have been published in the Winter and Spring… Continue reading Spellbinder and ENIGMA in collaboration: Tips from the Editors