Art Resources – The National Gallery

This blog post is all about the National Gallery in London and the inspiration it can provide. It will also focus on the Gallery’s website, which is an excellent place from which to draw resources.

I was in London this weekend with my partner. It had been my responsibility to plan a day out but due to the overly laid-back nature of my approach to organisation, I was unsure what we were actually going to do. We then happened to walk past the National Gallery and – especially as it was free – I suggested we go and take a look.

I thought we would only be there for twenty minutes or so but we spent an hour at least wandering about, looking at the huge range of paintings and styles present there. I am not usually a painter but I found being surrounded by so much great art really inspirational. In addition, the calm atmosphere of the Gallery provided much-needed relief from the busy London streets outside.

If you ever happen to be in London then I strongly recommend you go to the National Gallery – entry is free and there is a real range of art on offer. However, I am aware that many reading this might not be able to get to London or may not be based in the UK.

That is why I would like to draw attention to the Gallery’s website, which is full of resources and an excellent source of ideas. The Gallery offers virtual tours which give you a close up look at different exhibitions, excellent sources of inspiration. You are also able to look in detail at individual paintings, so that you can get an idea of how they were painted and perhaps look to incorporate some of these techniques into your own work.

This was a very brief look into the National Gallery and the resources that it offers, but I hope it proves useful as a starting point for your own art endeavours. Good luck!

Ned Vessey – Blog Co-Ordinator

Read this post on the Spellbinder Medium page here.

Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom on Pexels.

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