Masthead – Ellie Wilson

Ellie Wilson (She/Her)

Associate Fiction Editor

June 2024 – present

Ellie Wilson is a winemaker from a quiet village in Yorkshire. She studied Creative Writing at the University of Lincoln and, having loved the city and the subject so much, stayed to complete a Master’s degree in Creative Writing and Publishing. While her love for writing continues to withstand the test of time (Ellie has dreamed of being a writer since reading Jaqueline Wilson’s Hetty Feather as a child) her desire to work in the beautiful Yorkshire countryside drew her back to her hometown. That and her labrador, Brooke, who’s been listening to Ellie brainstorm creative projects for the better part of a decade.

While at university Ellie was a freelance writer and a Features Editor for online student magazine The Tab, and in her final year as an undergraduate she was the project leader for a cohort-wide literary anthology, which was independently published in 2022. During her Master’s degree she was invited to work as a Fiction Editor for The Lincoln Review and was a Writer and Editor for the podcast series On Silence. Throughout these projects, Ellie has explored subjects such as loss, identity and family dynamics, and typically gravitates towards work that also looks at these themes. Hailing from the county known for the Brontë sisters, Ellie is prone to a fondness for writing that incorporates the setting as an additional character and has always been intrigued by writers’ use of these natural elements. 

Outside of work, Ellie runs @_the_ramblingreader, a bookstagram account featuring weekly reviews of books from varying genres. Her goal is to encourage broad reading in others, and to highlight authors who bring new light to topics that may have previously been overlooked in history. Some of her favourite authors include: Bernadine Evaristo, R F Kuang, Rachel Cusk, Sally Rooney and Chelsea Abdullah. She is also the co-leader of an online bookclub, @ellieandsteph.bookclub on Instagram, where she enjoys listening to how other readers perceive each new monthly book she and her co-founder pick.