Summer 2021 – Poetry


Oh, you’ve done it now, you chancer;
You’ve burrowed all the way down
And set up shop in my warm and sticky centre.

Your filthy crackling laugh
Rattles my bones awake each morning,
And your honey-thick hum soothes them to sleep each heavy evening.

Sinéad Mooney

We published many memorable poems in our last issue, so it was tricky to select just one for this post. I have chosen Sinéad’s incredible love poem because of its captivating and thoughtful simplicity.

Opening with the direct and exclamatory address to an unidentified audience of the poem: ‘Oh, you’ve done it now’, immediately engages the interest of readers. The poem goes on to capture the most brilliant sounds, such as ‘filthy crackling laugh’ and ‘honey-thick hum’. The onomatopoeic and alliterative effects of these phrases are extremely well-crafted.

The poem also uses asyndeton skilfully to describe the effect of their lover’s affection and to describe the lover themselves. I love the combination of violent images, such as ‘vandal’ and ‘bulldozer’, and gentle ones, including ‘beautiful creature’ and ‘my home’. This emphasises the powerful and explosive nature of their love and the emotional tone of the speaker.

I can’t wait to see where Sinéad goes in her poetry career next and would love to read more unique love poems like hers.

Amber Kennedy, Editor-in-Chief

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

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